Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chris's Commentary

1-20-2009 : 7:30pm in London

NYC people are nice
: Yeah you read it right, people here are actually pretty cool, as long as you walk fast enough and don't act too touristy. Also, if you don't like people starring at you then you are best advised to not take the subway because people stare and they don't look happy when they do. My overall impression of New York was a city with attitude and a whole lot of character. One other thing is that people selling stuff could have picked out a tourist in the middle of Obama's inauguration if they wanted to. They are just bloody good at it. My conclusion on how to keep them away is to act crazy; fidget, rap some crazy lines that don't make any sense , or just look like you are on something and they will leave you alone.

NYC and Food: You can get whatever food you want in this city, and probably in walking distance. While here we ate pizza, Sushi, Korean- seafood udon and kimchi, fried rice, hot dog (gross), Italian sub in little italy, Japanese, and played beer pong. My biggest disappointment was the gross hot dog that we got from the local street vendor. It was boiled, small, flavorless, texture less, has mushy sauerkraut, what else can i say-it sucked. Kudos to the guy on 12th and Pike in Seattle that sits behind the grill smoke and serves up a real dog...I miss you man. Never thought that Jas and I would stumble across some great sushi in the back end of a sketchy shopping mall in Chinatown- that was a pleasant surprise. The Italian sub was packed with flavorful meat and very satisfying. In our hostel room was a Korean guy named Il Young, we all went out on the last night and ended up playing beer pong in a local bar and dominating the opponents! Jaz had a hit percentage of 50% going 2 for 4 attempts, that's my fiance :)

Pooping in NYC Subway: We were on our way to the airport on Sunday night when out of nowhere...it came. The worst feeling in the world had just entered my bladder and stomach-thanks beerpong and Italian meat sand which from day before. This wasn't the type of poop that you can simply hold until you find the right time, it was like a premature baby screaming out of its mothers womb. I know, that's a bold analogy but it was THAT bad. I said to jas "we have to get off at the next stop, i don't care where it is, we have to babe, I am going to s@*t my pants". I leaped off of the subway and walked as fast as I could when i saw the closest bathroom down the subway corridor. Think the gross nasty bathroom in Will Smith's ''Pursuit of Happiness''..but worse. I walked in the men's room and the stall was occupied by someone who was doing drugs or something, because he wasn't faced the right direction to be taking care of business. I frantically walked out and asked Jas to look in the women's room. Then a big woman barged past and took the only stall in the women's room. Oh no, my bowls were screaming at me by this point. I have to do something, I told Jas to ask her if i could go? I again checked the men's bathroom and now there were four people waiting for that one toilet. Finally i was literally about to poop my pants and so i went into the women's room and rushed pass the lady in there and said sorry but i had to go, plain and simple. Since there was pee and feces everywhere and no toilet sheets or toilet paper i had to 'pop a squat' and get a leg muscle workout while I relieved myself. Ten minutes later my guardian angel and savior (Jasmine) saved my underpants because she brought travel toilet paper, something that i regret making fun of her for buying before the trip. I now understand why you should always carry this stuff when you are in a foreign place. After taking a few deep breaths we got back on the subway and made our way to London.

American Airlines served good food!: I ate roasted beef in tasty gravy with mashed potatoes and boiled veggies serves with a crisp garden salad, and it was good! 'Nuf said.

People in London wear too much aftershave or not enough: The Tube( UK version of subway) was filled with smells- most of which was ax taken to the next level. I guess i can appreciate smelling good because Jas had the flip side which was sitting next to a guy who didn't smell so good if you know what I mean.

Slumdog Millionaire: This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. If you haven't seen it yet I encourage you to do so.

Obama Inauguration: We watched it at the bottom of our hostel in the pub with people from all over the world. Being American I will always have a positive outlook and love for my country no matter what. The inauguration of Obama was one of those special times in life where you are truly moved by the power of unity. I do have one small rant about the precedings; they announced everyone else by their full name, including full middle name but Obama as 'Barack H. Obama'. His name is Barack Hussein Obama. 'Nuf said. Moving on, his speech was more than great and I hope that he can achieve what he sets out to do. This guy is pretty spectacular with his words and delivery and it is what America needs at the moment. It will be interesting to converse with people on this trip and get their opinions and commentary. God Bless America.



  1. Well, like they say,if you gotta go,you gotta go,and now you know the TRUE meaning of that! Be careful what you eat,sweetie,cause it will come back to haunt you! Glad you got to watch the inauguration. I was very moved and inspired and truly believe that with faith and courage we can accomplish anything. Continue to have a good time and keep us posted. I am organising a Chinese dinner in celebration of the Year of the Ox...both yours and Jasmine's year ..1985. We will drink a toast to you . Take care...and love you and miss you lots.Mom Myra

  2. I know that feeling, Chris! Timing is everything and always be bold to improvise. That's my girl for being prepared..she was a girl scout in her younger days...besides women think of things like Toilet paper for all sorts of reasons...like makeup...what were you thinking????? :) I took the morning off and watched the inauguration at home and was quite inspired. We have a very eloquent speaker. His message 'The Audacity of Hope' is a great theme. It would be interesting to see the world's perspective like you and Jasmine will get to see it over the next few weeks. I'm looking forward to the Chinese New year celebration and will have to write you two a special toast! Thanks for your post, love and hugs, Mom Maria

  3. well i glad to see jas has a hair dryer and chris i glad to see you got a releafe but it sound like you two are haveing a lot of fun.
    from uncle kim

  4. Nice assessment, short and sweet but very informative! "'Nuf said." Okie is with me right now. He is making weird noises! He has definitely warmed up--he sat on my lap yesterday while I read. I'm sure he misses ya, and we all do too! Stay safe. Alright then, cheerio!

  5. As a New Yorker most of my life I enjoyed the description of the city, it's food and it's people. Sabrett's hot dogs are truly not so good but they are what keep a lot of office workers going on a busy day. Also a New Yorker knows where all the rest rooms are: Central Parl. Bryant Park, etc. Amazing that you found rest rooms on the subway. You got off at the right stop. DB Vagabond Journeys
