Monday, February 2, 2009

Au revoir Paris, Hallo Amsterdam.

We just arrived in Amsterdam and are enjoying a Heineken in the hostel and just hanging out with the other people in the lounge area. Jasmine is having a Shanti- half beer/ half sprite also with Heineken, it is local to Holland and the brewery is very close. We will try to get on and create a more detailed post tommorow or the day after. Pictures will be flowing on to the photobucket account over the next few days. Hope everyone is great.

-Chris and Jas


  1. Hello, Chris and Jasmine! Thanks for your entry! I thought you were going to Paris...maybe you passed through looks like you guys just missed a bunch of snow in London according to the weather will be great to hear about Amsterdam too. Over the weekend the Superbowl happened and I wonder if you saw any of it over there in Europe...Pittsburgh won at the very was so close for Arizona. They also picked a player from the MLS search for the Sounders was Vini Oliviera!...and his bright red soccer shoes. Well take it easy! Bye for now. Mom Maria

  2. Hi Chris and Jas,
    Guess you skipped over Paris quick! I saw the pictures in photo bucket but don't know what some of the monuments or statues are. Mixing beer and seven-up or sprite is very common in Europe and Asia. Hope you get to visit some beautiful gardens, unless it is too cold still.
    Oki and Kiki are getting along fine(though they get into skirmishes occasionally)Steph has a competition coming up next Saturday 2/7/09.Hope you are having a good time. Keep us posted ok?
    Love you both.Mom Myra
